Wednesday, 24 February 2016

SAL OUT ( Guyana )

Age : 6+
Players : Two equial teams of at least four players
Pitch : The pitch is drawn using chlak or a stone ( if player on earth). It consists of a vertical bar, crossed by three long, horizontal bars at the top, middle and bottom. at one end of the vertical bar is a circle.
Time : Unlimited.

Rules :
There is an attacking team and a defending team. at least one player from the defending team stands in each of the bars. the attacking team assembles in the circle. the game begins when one of the defenders tags one of the attackers in the circle. the attacker then become " salman " , and has to run to the end bar an back without being tagged by a defender. if salman is tagged, they are out.

once salman passes the end bar and is on their way back. another attacking players becomes salman too, and begins their run of the length of the pitch .if the  new salman, is caught, they are out. each attacking player takes a turn at being salman.

the teams swap over once every attacking players has been salman.

The defending team scores. one points for each salman they tag
The  attacking team scores. one point for each clear run a salman makes.

player should warm up before the games starts
the playing area must be clear of any obstructions.

Adaptations and variations

Space : increase the playing area.
Task : Creat a ' safe zone' at the top of the pitch there salman can pause before running back to the circle
Equipment : NA
People : reduce the number fo players on each team to three.

Space : Decrease the size of the bars.
Task : every salman must make a clear run for the attacking team to win.
Equipment : NA
People : Increase the number of players on each team.

Skill developed


This activity can be used as 
A skill develomnet activity
a game

who could use this card ?
young leaders